How Pilates Can Help Stroke Patients Recover

st ives pilates studio
Stroke is a serious complication of aging, and it has been estimated that at least one in ten older adults will suffer from a stroke. Many stroke patients experience weakness in their arms and legs, making it difficult to get around or perform daily activities like cooking or cleaning. The good news is that there are ways to improve your mobility after a stroke, including physical therapy and exercise programmes like Pilates offered by st ives pilates studio. But what about other types of exercise? Can Pilates help stroke patients regain their independence?

  • It improves balance, range of motion, and strength.

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that helps improve balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength. It also helps to reduce the risk of falls by improving proprioception (the ability to know where each part of your body is in space) and coordination.

Pilates can be done at home or with a certified instructor who will guide how to use the equipment provided in each session.

  • Regain independence, both physically and emotionally.

Pilates can help you regain independence, both physically and emotionally. When you are physically active, your body becomes more flexible and toned. You will also feel better about yourself because of the physical changes that occur in you.

Pilates studios offer smaller class sizes with more personal attention than health clubs and gyms; this may make it easier for stroke patients to find a place where they can practice their new exercises at home!

  • It Reminds You to Breathe While You Exercise.

Pilates is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories, but it's also important to remember that you need to breathe while doing the exercises. Breathing is a key part of the workout, so if you forget, your heart rate will go up significantly when you don't take in enough oxygen. You should be aware of how much air comes into and goes out from each nostril during each exercise or movement.

You can breathe in through your nose when doing sit-ups or other abdominal exercises, but for lunges and squats, it's better to use shallow breaths because they are more exhausting than deep ones (this makes sense since we spend more time on our feet).

It's also helpful if you can think about taking slow breaths: inhaling slowly through both nostrils and exhaling slowly through both nostrils while sitting upright with legs crossed at knee height (like as though someone were sitting behind us).

  • Accessible for All Stroke Patients

Pilates is a type of exercise that can be done in a studio or at home, and it's accessible to all stroke patients. It's also low-impact, which makes it an excellent choice for people with balance issues or limited mobility. The best Pilates studios will offer a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, so you don't get bored doing the same thing repeatedly. And if you're looking for an effective way to strengthen your core muscles while improving your stamina, this routine will do wonders!

st ives pilates studio


We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about all the great benefits of Pilates and that it has given you some ideas on how to get started. While we can’t predict exactly what will work best for your personal needs, we do know that this type of exercise can be a great addition to any stroke recovery plan. Plus, if you have any additional questions about whether or not Pilates might help with your recovery process, don’t hesitate to reach out st ives pilates studio!
